Thank You Progressive Insurance
Thank You, "Anonymous," "NON-Progressive Associate," You dont need to get permission to change a vehicle, you needed to find out if the vehicle you were thinking of ourchasing would be covered under a personal vehicle policy. Many auto oolicies are restricted by weight. Many policies do not cover modified vehicles and you could have avoided all of your hurt and stress by making 1 phone call before the purchase. You chose not to fo this but now, in your mind it is the fault of the company. 10 plus years of advising customers about coverage for vehicles and not a day goes by where someone will not accept that they made the mistake and want to point their finger at the expensive insurance company. Remember that when you point your finger at someone yhere are 3 fingers pointing at you. I am not dead inside but tired of peopld who want to blame someone else all of the time Thank You "Anonymous," I did what I NEEDED to...based on my disability. I didn...